
Значение термина porifera в knolik

porifera - porifera
porifera - Sponges. Non-mobile animals consisting of many cells but built on a different plan from the Metazoa; hence grouped separately from all other multicellular animals as Parazoa. They have for instance, no nervous system, and possess collar cells (choanocytes) which are found otherwise only in a certain group of flagellates, the choanoflagellates, from which sponges have probably evolved. Currents of water are drawn into the body through small pores (ostia) and passed out through larger pores (oscula), food particles being collected en route. In most sponges the body is supported by skeleton of lime, silica, or spongin (a collagen-like protein).

Рядом со словом porifera в knolik

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