september 24

Значение термина september 24 в knolik

september 24 - September 24
september 24 - Mr. Borden speaks at Toronto on Imperial unity. - Emperor of Austria and Count Berchtold address Austro- Hungarian Delegations on foreign policy. - Death of Baron Marschall von Bieberstein, at Badenweiler, aged 70. - Demonstration against Home Rule at Dromore. - Malissori attack Turkish ammunition escort near Lake Skutari, Albania. - Lt. Thomas, French military airman, killed at Givronyal. - Lt. Szekeresy, Austro-Hungarian army, and six soldiers arrested on Servian territory. - Turkish Govt. decide to hold general army manoeuvres in the Adrianople district and in Macedonia. - U.S. Govt. decides to send to Santo Domingo two commissioners and 750 marines.

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