
Значение термина pyrrophyta в knolik

pyrrophyta - pyrrophyta
pyrrophyta - Fire algae. Division of algae. Possess chlorophylls a and c, β-carotene, xanthophylls. In different forms, store reserve food as starch, fats, oils. Not completely autotrophic, requiring vitamins. Cellulose cell wall. Dinophyceae (dinoflagellates) is most important class. Mostly unicellular, some colonial, motile by two, laterally inserted, flagella. Walls of many (armoured) forms consist of interlocking plates often bearing long processes possibly an adaptation to pelagic life. Other forms occur: naked and amoeboid; sessile palmelloid colonies; branched filaments. Asexual reproduction various, by cell division, zoospores. Colourless forms also occur and provide link with protozoa. Constitute a major component of marine and fresh-water plankton. With diatoms (Bacillariophyceae) and a few other algae provide basis of all other life in sea.

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