shoulder girdle

Значение термина shoulder girdle в knolik

shoulder girdle - Skeletal Support in body-wall for attachment of front fins or limbs of vertebrate. Consists primitively of a curved bar of cartilage or bone on each side of the body, the two often fusing ventrally, forming a hoop, incomplete dorsally, transverse to long axis. Each bar bears a joint with fin or limb. See also: Glenoid Cavity. Region dorsal to joint is scapula, region ventral is coracoid. Extra dermal bones, notably clavicle, usually occur on ventral side. Scapula forms no joint with or bony attachment to vertebral column or ribs (unlike pelvic girdle). Coracoid and clavicle are joined mid-ventrally to breast bone (sternum) in tetrapods.

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