
Значение термина aaron в knolik

aaron - Aaron
aaron - Elder brother of Moses and high priest of Israel. By divine command he acted as spokesman for Moses before the elders of Israel and Pharaoh (Ex. 4 and 7). Eloquent, but of weak character, he yielded to the people when Moses was on Sinai by fashioning the golden calf for worship(Ex. 32), and with his sister Miriam rebelled against his brother (Num. 12). Made high priest (Ex. 29 and Lev. 8), his title was vindicated by the miraculous budding of his rod (Num. 17). He and his brother, for disobedience at Kadesh. were denied entry to the Promised Land. Aaron died on Mount Hor, in Edom, being succeeded in the priesthood by his third son, Eleazar (Num. 20).

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