A. | Ace (cards); adults only (cinema); advance (clock); answer. |
a. | Accepted; acre(-s); active (grammar); alto; approved. |
A. & M. | Hymns Ancient and Modern. |
A.B. | Able-bodied seaman. |
abbrev. | Abbreviation (-ated). |
A.B.C. | (Depot of) Aerated Bread Company. |
ab init. | Ab initio (Latin), from the beginning. |
abl. | Ablative. |
Abp. | Archbishop. |
abr. | Abridged. |
abs. | Absent; absolutely; abstract. |
A.C. | Alternating current; Appeal Court. |
ac. | Acre(-s). |
a/c. | Account. |
acc. | Acceptance; according (to); accusative. |
accel. | Accelerando (Italian), becoming quicker. |
A.C.I. | Assure contre I'incen-die (French), assured against fire. |
ack(-d). | Acknowledge(-d). |
Act. | Actuary. |
A.D. | Anno Domini (Latin), in the year of the Lord. |
ad. | Advertisement. |
a.d. | After date. |
ad fin. | Ad finem (Latin), towards the end. |
ad inf. | Ad infinitum (Latin), to infinity. |
ad int. | Ad interim (Latin), in the meantime. |
ad lib. | Ad libitum (Latin), as desired. |
ad loc. | Ad locum (Latin), at the place. |
Adv. | Advent. |
adv. | Advance(-d); adverb; advocate. |
ad.v., ad val. | Ad valorem (Latin), to the value. |
advt. | Advertisement. |
A.E. | Adult education. |
A.E.C. | Associated Equipment Company. |
Aen. | The Aeneid. |
aet., aetat. | Aetatus (Latin), aged. |
A.F. | Anglo-French. |
afft. | Affidavit. |
Afr. | Africa(-n). |
aft. | Afternoon. |
agric. | Agriculture. |
agt. | Agent. |
A.H. | Anno Hegirae (Latin), in the year of the Hegira (Mahomet's flight from Mecca, a.d. 622). |
A.I.D. | Artificial insemination by a donor. |
Ala. | Alabama. |
Alas. | Alaska. |
Aid. | Alderman. |
Alg. | Algebra. |
A.L.S. | Autograph letter, signed. |
alt. | Alternative(-ly); altitude. |
Alta. | Alberta. |
A.M. | Alpes-Maritimes; Ave Maria (Latin), Hail Mary. |
a.m. | Ante meridiem (Latin), before noon. |
A.M.D.G. | Ad majorem Dei gloriam (Latin), to the greater glory of God. |
amdt. | Amendment. |
A.N. | Anglo-Norman. |
an. | Anna (coin). |
a.n. | Above-named. |
anal. | Analogous; analysis. |
Anat. | Anatomy. |
anc. | Ancient(-ly). |
Angl. | Anglican. |
Ann. | Annals; annual; annuities. |
Anon. | Anonymous. |
ans. | Answer. |
ant. | Antiquity; antonym. |
a.o. | Account of. |
A.P. | Alexandra Park (racing); Amalgamated Press; ante-post (betting); arithmetical progression; Associated Press. |
ap. | Apud (Latin), in the work of. |
a.p. | Above proof; author's proof. |
Apocr. | Apocrypha. |
apos. | Apostrophe. |
app. | Apparent; appendix; appointed. |
appl. | Appeal (legal); applicable. |
appro. | Approval. |
approx. | Apprqximate(-ly). |
appx. | Appendix. |
Apr. | April. |
Aq. | Aqua (Latin), water. |
Ar., Arab. | Arabic. |
A.R. | Anno Regni (Latin), in the year of the reign of; annual return. |
a.r. | All risks. |
arch. | Archaic; archery, archipelago; architect(-ure). |
Archd. | Archdeacon; archduke. |
Ariz. | Arizona. |
Ark. | Arkansas. |
arr. | Arranged (by); arrives; arrondissement (French civic division). |
art. | Article; artificial. |
As. | Asia(-tic). |
A.S. | Account sales; Anglo-Saxon. |
A.S.S.R. | Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. |
atm. | Atmospheric. |
a.t.s. | At the suit of. |
Att. | Attache; attorney. |
att. | Attached. |
A.U.C. | Anno urbis conditae (Latin), in the year of the founding of the city (Rome. 753 B.C.). |
Aud. | Auditor. |
Aug. | August. |
aug. | Augment. |
aux. | Auxiliary. |
A.V. | Authorised Version. |
av. | Average. |
a.v. | Ad valorem (Latin), to the value. |
avdp. | Avoirdupois. |
Ave. | Avenue. |
az. | Azure (heraldry). |