C. | Cape; Centigrade; centre (stage); Chancellor; club (cards); cold (tap); Conservative; Consul; one hundred (Roman). |
c. | Caught (cricket); cent(-s); centime(-s); circa (Latin), about; contra (Latin), against; contralto. |
C.A. | Central America; Court of Appeal. |
C/A. | Capital account. |
ca. | Circa (Latin), about. |
cal. | Calendar; calorie. |
Calif. | California. |
Cambs. | Cambridgeshire. |
Can. | Canada; Canon; cantoris (Latin), of the choir. |
Canpae. | Canadian Pacific Railway. |
Cant. | Canticles (Song of Solomon). |
Cantuar | Cantuariensis (Latin), of Canterbury (Abp.'s signature). |
cap. | Capital letter; chapter; number of an Act of Parliament. |
car. | Carat. |
Cards. | Cardiganshire. |
Carliol | Carliolemis (Latin), of Carlisle (Bp.'s signature). |
Cas. | Castle. |
Cath. | Cathedral; Catholic. |
C.C. | Cape Colony; Circuit Court; Civil Court; County Council(-lor); County Court; curate in charge. |
cc. | Chapters. |
c.c. | Contra credit; cubic centimetre(-s); cubic contents. |
C.C.C. | Central Criminal Court. |
C.C.P. | Court of Civil Procedure. |
C.Cr.P. | Court of Criminal Procedure. |
C.D. | Civil death; contagious diseases. |
c.d. | With dividend. |
C.E. | Chief engineer; civil engineer; Church of England. |
Cels. | Celsius. |
Cent. | Centigrade; Central; century. |
cert. | Certainty; certificate. |
Cestr | Cestriensis (Latin), of Chester (Bp.'s signature). |
cet. par. | Ceteris paribus (Latin), other things being equal. |
cf. | Confer (Latin), compare. |
c.f. | Carried forward. |
c.f.i. | Cost, freight, insurance. |
C.G. | Centre of gravity; coastguard. |
cg. | Centigramme-(s). |
Ch. | Chancery; chaplain; chief; church. |
ch. | Chain (measure); champion (dogs); chapter; child. |
cha. | Chapel. |
Chron. | Book of Chronicles. |
C.I. | Cast iron; Channel Islands. |
Cicestr | Cicestriensis (Latin), of Chichester (Bp.'s signature). |
C.I.D. | Criminal Investigation Department. |
Cie. | Compagnie (French), company. |
c.i.f.(c.) | Cost, insurance, freight (commission). |
circ. | Circiter (Latin), about. |
cl. | Centilitre(-s); class; classical; clause. |
Clar. | Clarinet. |
C.L.P.A. | Common Law Procedure Act. |
C.M. | Common measure (music). |
cm. | Centimetre(-s). |
C.M.D. | Common measure double. |
Cn. | Canon (law). |
C.N.R. | Canadian National Railways. |
C.O. | Colonial Office; conscientious objector; Crown Office. |
co. | Company; county. |
c/o | Care of. |
C.O.D. | Cash on delivery; Concise Oxford Dictionary. |
C. of E. | Church of England. |
C. of S. | Church of Scotland. |
Col. | Epistle to the Colossians. |
col. | College; colon (currency); colour; column. |
Coll. | College. |
coll. | Collect(-ion); colloquial. |
Colo. | Colorado. |
Com. | Commissioner; committee; Communist. |
comp. | Comparative; compositor; compound. |
Con. | Conies; Consul. |
con. | Contra (Latin), against. |
cond. | Conditional. |
Conf. | Conference; Confucius. |
Cong. | Congregational(-ist); Congress. |
conj. | Conjugation; conjunction. |
Conn. | Comment; Connecticut. |
Cons. | Conservative. |
cons. | Consonant. |
Consols. | Consolidated Funds. |
Cor. | Corinthian (architecture); Cornu (Latin), horn (music); Epistle to the Corinthians. |
corr. | Corrigenda (Latin), corrections to be made. |
cox. | Coxswain. |
coy. | Company. |
C.P. | Cape Province; Carter Paterson; Central Provinces (India); chromium plated; Civil Procedure; Common Prayer; Communist Party; concert party. |
c.p. | Candle power; carriage paid. |
C.P.R. | Canadian Pacific Railway. |
Cr. | Creditor; Crown. |
cr. | Created; crown (paper size). |
Cres. | Crescent. |
cresc. | Crescendo (Italian), becoming louder. |
crim. con. | Criminal conversation (adultery). |
Cr. P. | Criminal Procedure. |
crt. | Court. |
C.S. | Chief Secretary; Civil Service. |
cs. | Cases (commerce). |
cts. | Centimes; cents. |
cu., cub. | Cubic. |
C.U.P. | Cambridge University Press. |
c.v.d. | Cash against documents. |
C.W. | Common Wealth. |
c.w.o. | Cash with order. |
C.W.S. | Co-operative Wholesale Society. |
cwt. | Hundredweight. |
cyl. | Cylinder. |