M. | Male; Martyr; Master; mate; men; Methodist; Monsieur (French), Mr.; one thousand (Roman). |
m. | Maiden(-s) (cricket); married; masculine; metre(-s); mile(-s); mill; minim; minor; minute(-s); month(-s); mother. |
ma. | Major (older). |
m/a. | My account. |
Macc. | Book of Maccabees. |
mach. | Machinery. |
mag. | Magazine; magnetic magneto magnitude; magnum. |
Mal. | Book of Malachi. |
Man. | Manitoba. |
man. | Manual; manufacture(-d). |
M & B 693. | May and Baker sulphonamide. |
Mar. | March. |
mar. | Married; maritime. |
marg. | Marginal. |
Mat. | Gospel of S. Matthew; matinee; Matins. |
max. | Maxim; maximum. |
M.C. | Master of ceremonies. |
M/C(r). | Manchester. |
Md. | Maryland. |
M.D. | Mentally deficient; Middle Dutch. |
m.d. | Month's date. |
Me. | Maine. |
M.E. | Marine engineer; Middle East; Middle English. |
mech. | Mechanical. |
Med. | Medical; medieval; Mediterranean; medium. |
mem. | Memento; memorandum; memorial. |
Mer. | Merionethshire. |
mer. | Meridian. |
Mess. | Messenger. |
Messrs. | Messieurs (French), Sirs. |
Met. | Metallurgical; metaphysica1; meteorology; metronome; metropolitan; Metropolitan Railway. |
Meth. | Methodist. |
meth. | Methylated spirit. |
mf. | Mezzo forte (Italian), moderately loud. |
m.f. | More follows. |
mfd. | Manufactured. |
mfg. | Manufacturing. |
M.F.H. | Master of Foxhounds. |
M.F.N. | Most favoured nation. |
M.Fr. | Middle French. |
mir. | Manufacturer. |
mg. | Milligramme(-s). |
M.G.M. | Metro - Goldwyn -Mayer. |
M.H.G. | Middle High German. |
M.I. | Medica1 inspection; Military intelligence. |
mi. | Minor (younger). |
Mic. | Book of Micah. |
Mich. | Michigan. |
Middx. | Middlesex. |
mil. | Military; milreis. |
Min. | Minister; Ministry; minster. |
mm. | Mineral; minim; minimum; minimus (youngest); minute. |
Minn. | Minnesota. |
Miss. | Mississippi. |
M.It. | Middle Italian. |
mkt. | Market. |
M.L. | Medieval Latin. |
ml. | Millilitre(-s). |
M.L.G. | Middle Low German. |
Mile., Mdlle. | Mademoiselle (French), Miss. |
MM. | Martyrs; Messieurs (French), Sirs. |
M.M. | Maelzel's metronome; Messageries Maritimes (French shipping company). |
mm. | Millimetre(-s). |
m.m. | Mutatis mutandis (Latin), the necessary changes being made. |
Mme. | Madame. |
M.N. | Merchant Navy. |
Mo. | Missouri. |
M.O. | Manually operated; Medical Officer; money order. |
mo. | Month. |
mod. | Moderate; modern. |
Mods. | Moderations. |
M.O.H. | Master of Otterhounds; Medical Officer of Health; Ministry or Health. |
M.O.I. | Ministry of Information. |
Mon. | Monastery; Monday; Monmouthshire. |
mon. | Monetary. |
Mons. | Monsieur (French), Mr. (incorrect abbrev.). |
Mont. | Montana; Montgomeryshire. |
M.O.O. | Money order office. |
Mort. | Mortgage. |
M.P. | Member of Parliament; Metropolitan Police; Military Police. |
mp. | Mezzo piano (Italian), moderately soft. |
M. Pen. | Ministry of Pensions. |
m.p.g. | Miles per gallon. |
m.p.h. | Miles per hour. |
M.P.O. | Metropolitan Police office. |
Mr. | Mister. |
M.R. | Map reference; Maria Regina (Latin), Queen Mary; Municipal Reform. |
Mrs. | Mistress (married woman). |
MS(-S). | Manuscript(-s). |
M.S. | Motor ship. |
M.S.H. | Master of Staghounds. |
M.S.L. | Mean sea level. |
M.T. | Means test; mechanical transport; Ministry of Transport. |
mt(-s). | Mount or mountain(-s). |
mtd. | Mounted. |
mun., munie. | Municipal. |
mus. | Museum; musical. |
M.V. | Merchant vessel; motor vessel. |
M.Y. | Motor yacht. |