S. | Saint; Saxon; Scotland; Socialist; South; spade (cards); statute; sun. |
s. | Scalar; second(-s); sets (astronomy); section; shilling(-s); singular; son; soprano; succeeded. |
S.A. | Sex appeal; small arms; Societe Anonyme (French), limited company; South Africa; South America; Sturm Abteilung (German), Storm Division. |
Sask. | Saskatchewan. |
Sat. | Saturday. |
S.A.T.B. | Soprano, alto, tenor, bass. |
Sax. | Saxon(-y). |
sax. | Saxophone. |
S.B. | Savings bank; simultaneous broadcast; single-breasted; Swedenborgian. |
Sc. | Scene; science; Scotland or Scots. |
S.C. | Salvage Corps; same case (law); South Carolina; special constable; Staff College; Supreme Court. |
sc. | Scilicet (Latin), to wit. or being understood; scru-ple(-s) (measure); sculpsit (Latin), he made this sculpture, or he engraved. |
s.c. | Small capitals. |
Scan(d). | Scandinavia-n). |
Sen. | School; schooner. |
S.G.M. | State certified midwife. |
scr. | Scruple (measure). |
Sculp(s). | Sculpsit (Latin), he made this sculpture, or he engraved. |
Sd. | Signed; sound (geographical). |
S.D. | Sequence-dating; sight draft. |
sd. | Sewed (bookbinding). |
s.d. | Semi-detached; several dates; sine die (Latin), without a day, indefinitely. |
S. D(ak). | South Dakota. |
S.D.I. | Soft Drinks Industries. |
S.E. | South-East; Stock Exchange. |
Sec. | Secondary; secretary; section. |
sec. | Secant; second. |
sect. | Section. |
Sem. | Seminary; Semitic. |
sem. | Semicolon. |
semp. | Sempre (Italian), always, throughout. |
Sen. | Senate; Senator; senior. |
sep. | Separable; separate; sepultus (Latin), buried. |
Sept. | September; Septuagint. |
seq. | Sequentia (Latin), the following; sequitur (Latin), it follows. |
ser. | Series. |
sev. | Several. |
S.F. | Sinn Fein. |
sfz. | Sforzando (Italian), forcing. |
s.g. | Specific gravity. |
S.I. | Sandwich Islands; Seine-Inferieure; staff inspector. |
Sig. | Signor (Italian), Mr. |
sig. | Signal; signature. |
Sigra. | Signora (Italian), Mrs. |
sing. | Singular. |
sit. | Situation. |
Sjt. | Serjeant. |
sk. | Sack (weight). |
Skt. | Sanskrit. |
SI. | Slavonic. |
S.L. | Serjeant at Law; Solictor at Law. |
Slov. | Slovak; Slovene. |
s.l.p. | Sine legitima prole (Latin), without lawful issue. |
S.M. | Senior magistrate; short measure (music). |
S.M.T. | Scottish Motor Traction (Company). |
s.n. | Sine nomine (Latin), without name. |
So. | South. |
S.O. | Saturdays only; standing order; Stationery Office; sub-office. |
s.o. | Seller's option. |
Soc. | Socialist; Society. |
S. of S. | Secretary of State; Song of Solomon. |
sol. | Solicitor; solution. |
Som. | Somersetshire. |
sop. | Soprano. |
sov. | Sovereign (£1). |
Sp. | Spanish. |
S.P. | Small paper; Songs of Praise; starting price. |
sp. | Species; specimen; spelling; spirit. |
s.p. | Sine prole (Latin), without issue; small pica. |
Span. | Spanish. |
spec. | Specially; species; speculation. |
sp. gr. | Specific gravity. |
S.P.Q.R. | Senatus populusque Romanus (Latin), the Senate and the Roman people; small profits, quick returns. |
Spt. | Seaport. |
Sq. | Square. |
sqq. | Sequentia (Latin), the following. |
Sr. | Senior; Senor(Spanish), Mr. |
S.R. | Southern Railway; special reserve. |
Sra. | Senora (Spanish), Mrs. |
S.R.N. | State registered nurse. |
SS. | Saints; Sanctissimus (Latin), Most Holy. |
S.S. | Sacra Scriptura (Latin), Holy Scriptures; Schutz Staffel (German), protective squadron; screw steamer; Secretary for Scotland; Secretary of State; Secret Service; steamship; Straits Settlements; Sunday School. |
ss. | Semissus (Latin), one-half (medicine). |
S.S.E. | South-South-East. |
S.S.R. | Soviet Socialist Republic. |
S.S.W. | South-South-West. |
St. | Saint; strait; street. |
st. | Stanza; stem; stet (Latin), let it stand; stone; stumped (cricket). |
s.t. | Short ton. |
Sta. | Santa (Italian), female saint; Senorita (Spanish), Miss; station. |
Staffs. | Staffordshire. |
Stat. | Statute. |
stat. | Stationary; statuary. |
Ste. | Sainte (French), female saint. |
stg. | Sterling. |
Stip. | Stipendiary. |
stn. | Station. |
str. | Seater (car); stroke (rowing). |
Strad. | Stradivarius (violin). |
sub. | Sub-editor; subject (-ive); subscription; substitute. |
subj. | Subject(-ive); subjunctive. |
subst. | Substantive; substitute(-d). |
suc(c). | Succeeded. |
suf. | Suffix. |
Suff. | Suffolk; Suffragan. |
suff. | Sufficit (Latin), it is enough; suffix. |
Sun. | Sunday. |
Sup. | Supply. |
sup. | Superlative; supine (grammar); supra (Latin), above. |
Supp. | Supplement. |
Supt. | Superintendent. |
Sur. | Surveyor. |
surg. | Surgical. |
Surr. | Surrogate. |
surv. | Surveyor; surviving. |
Sus. | The History of Susanna (Apocrypha). |
S.V. | Sancta Virgo (Latin), Holy Virgin. |
s.v. | Sub voce (Latin), under the word, or heading. |
svy. | Survey. |
S.W. | Short wave; South-West. |
Sx. | Sussex. |
Sy. | Surrey. |
S.Y. | Steam yacht. |
sym. | Symbol(-ic); symphony. |
syn. | Synonym. |
syr. | Syrup. |