abererombie, lascellfs

Значение термина abererombie, lascellfs в knolik

abererombie, lascellfs - Abererombie, LASCELLFS (1881-1938)
abererombie, lascellfs - English poet and critic. Born Jan. 9, 1881, at Ashton-upon-Mersey, and educated at Malvern and at Manchester University, he published his first book of poems in 1908. He made frequent use of the dramatic form, as in the Sale of S. Thomas (1911, rewritten 1931), Deborah (1912), and Phoenix (1923); but plot and characterization were subordinate to the expression of poetic ideas in virile blank verse. His critical output includes An Essay Towards a Theory of Art (1923), Principles of English Prosody (1923), Romanticism (1926), and The Principles of Literary Criticism (1932). He was appointed lecturer in Poetry in Liverpool University in 1919, professor of English Literature at Leeds in 1922 and in the University of London (Bedford College) in 1929, and Goldsmiths' Reader in English at Oxford in 1935. He died on Oct. 27, 1938.

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