admiralty droits

Значение термина admiralty droits в knolik

admiralty droits - Admiralty Droits
admiralty droits - Rights which were at one time the perquisites of the office of the lord high admiral. In 1702 they were surrendered to the Crown, and now form part of the public revenue. All ships, boats, or cargoes, flotsam, jetsam, and. lagan, or wrecks and treasure found in the high seas outside territorial waters; all goods and property taken or recaptured from pirates; all royal fishes, such as whales and sturgeons; ships or goods captured from an enemy by a private ship; enemy ships or goods found in British ports or creeks are droits of admiralty. If soldiers from the land capture an enemy ship it is not a prize, but a droit of admiralty.

Рядом со словом admiralty droits в knolik

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буква ""
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