aerated waters

Значение термина aerated waters в knolik

aerated waters - Aerated Waters
aerated waters - Beverages charged with an excess of carbonic acid gas (carbon dioxide) or, occasionally, oxygen. Aerated waters were originally made about 1767 in imitation of natural mineral waters, but the term now includes beverages such as lemonade and ginger ale which contain no mineral matter.

Aerated waters were first made by machinery on a commercial scale early in the 19th century, the Struve patent (4,851 of 1823) being the earliest example of the machines employed. The essential apparatus consists of a carbonic acid gas generator, a gas-holder, a saturator, and a bottler. The carbonic acid gas is made by the action of sulphuric acid on whiting (calcium carbonate) or sodium bicarbonate, the advantage of using the sodium salt being that the by-product, sodium sulphate, is useful. In smaller installations and soda fountains, liquid carbonic acid gas, prepared by the complete combustion of coke, is employed.

When the gas is generated it is passed into the gas-holder and the pressure applied which is required in the subsequent operations. The saturator contains the water which is to be saturated with the gas. It is fitted with an agitator or mixer to ensure that the water shall take up the maximum amount of gas. In practice four volumes of gas per volume of water is the amount allowed. If plain water is used in the saturator the product is simply aerated water, but for other varieties the different salts are first dissolved in the water. For soda-water 80 gr. of sodium bicarbonate per gallon is used; for potash water 32 gr, to 64 gr. of potassium bicarbonate; and for seltz r-water a mixture of the chloride, bicarbonate, sulphate, and phosphate of sodium.

For lemonade or ginger ale plain aerated water is required, as the flavouring and sweetening agents, in the form of a syrup, are placed in the bottles or syphons before the aerated water is added at the bottling machine. The kind of bottler employed varies according as corked or patent stoppered bottles or syphons are being filled. Makers of aerated waters require a licence (10s. annually). The duty on sweetened table waters was abolished in 1924.

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