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agricultural societyЗначение термина agricultural society в knolikagricultural society - Agricultural Society agricultural society - Association of farmers and others connected with the laud for the furtherance of common aims. The oldest existing organization of the kind in Great Britain is the Bath and West of England Agricultural Society, which extended its operations to the southern counties and to Wales. It was founded in 1777 for the encouragement of agriculture, arts, manufactures, and commerce in Somersetshire, Wiltshire, Gloucestershire, and Dorset, and the city and county of Bristol. The society has rendered great services to agriculture by holding shows and meetings, awarding prizes for stock and produce, issuing publications, and retaining experts for the assistance of its members. The Highland Society of Scotland was founded for similar ends in 1784, obtained a charter in 1787, and changed its name to the Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland in 1834, when a new charter was obtained. Before 1881 the society played an important part in veterinary training, and from 1856 to 1900 conferred agricultural diplomas. The Royal Agricultural Society of England, founded as the English Agricultural Society in 1838, was so styled by a charter granted in 1840. Its famous shows are the largest of the kind held in Britain, each year at a different centre, and the addition of a horticultural section has proved a special attraction. The annual journal is of high standard, and the society has published several editions of a standard text-book, W. Fream's Elements of Agriculture. It also issues technical leaflets and pamphlets from time to time. The Royal Dublin Society, founded in 1731 and granted a charter in 1749, is the Irish equivalent of the Royal Agricultural Society. Рядом со словом agricultural society в knolik
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