ainsworth, william harrison

Значение термина ainsworth, william harrison в knolik

ainsworth, william harrison - Ainsworth, william harrison (1805-82)
ainsworth, william harrison - British novelist. Born in Manchester, Feb. 4, 1805, the son of a solicitor, and educated at Manchester Grammar School, he was at first intended for his father's profession. He studied at the Inner Temple, but soon tired of the law and settled down in London as an historical novelist and magazine editor. His first success was Rook wood, 1834, and the last of his 39 novels, Stanley Brereton, was published in 1881. The Tower of London, 1840, Old St. Paul's, 1841, and The Lancashire Witches, 1848, are among his best works. From 1842-1853 he edited Ainsworth's Magazine and for some years later The New Monthly Magazine. He died at Reigate, Jan. 3, 1882. See W. H. Ainsworth and Iris Friends, S. M. Ellis, 1911.

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