
Значение термина ainu в knolik

ainu - Ainu (Aino)
ainu - Primitive race of Causasian stock inhabiting the Kurile Islands, Yezo and S. Sakhalien, but now rapidly dwindling towards extinction. Once occupying all Japan - and so recorded in native literature from 700 b.c. onwards - they appear to represent an early Caucasian stream, although when they reached Japan they encountered a still older aboriginal race of pit-dwellers and builders of kitchen-middens, wherein chipped stone implements and rude pottery have been found. Their name of the hairy Ainu is derived from their black wavy hair which is allowed to grow on head and chin, and involves the use of moustache-lifters (ikubashi).

Their primitive dress is a kimono-like robe of woven bark-cloth; their personal ornaments are largely of Japanese derivation. Occupying roomy reed-thatched huts, with separate storehouses on stilts, they are essentially hunters and fishers, using a detachable harpoon and cooking all animal food. Until recently their scanty cereal crops were reaped by mussel shells. Their agglutinative language, clearly primitive, with no living analogies, is richly developed, a vocabulary of 14,000 words having been compiled. Their animism includes a complex nature-worship of the sun, fire, lightning, and rivers, and a system of magico-religious "message-bearers" loosely comparable with African fetishism. These are usually formed of wands hung with willow shavings, and set up at the east end of the living-room. Their ceremonial bear feasts are designed to offer divine honours to the victims, whose skulls are afterwards erected on village poles. Consult The Ainos D. Mae-Ritchie, 1892; Alone with the Hairy Ainu, A. H. Savage Landor, 1893; The Ainu and their Folk-lore, J. Batchelor, 1901.

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