
Значение термина brucine в knolik

brucine - Brucine
brucine - Brucine is contained in Brucia antidysenterica, St. Ignatius bean and Strychnos Nux vomica (along with strychnine). It is generally prepared from the latter plant, which is much cheaper. The powdered nuts are treated with very dilute, boiling sulphuric acid, and expressed. The acid is next saturated with excess of milk of lime, by which sulphates of lime, strychnine, and brucine are thrown down. The precipitate is collected on a filter, and dried, and then treated with boiling alcohol (0.850 sq. gr.), which dissolves the two alkaloids. The liquid is filtered while hot, and in cooling deposits the greater part of the strychnine. The brucine remains in solution, and may be obtained by evaporation. They are both purified by repeated crystallisation in alcohol.

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