alloys, miscellaneous

Значение термина alloys, miscellaneous в knolik

alloys, miscellaneous - Alloys, Miscellaneous
alloys, miscellaneous - The following is a table of the proportions of the various metals in the alloys most commonly employed in the arts and manufactures. The term "parts" means parts by weight. The abbreviations are: Cu, copper; Zn, zinc; Sn, tin; Pb, lead; Sb, antimony; P, phosphorus; As, arsenic; Ni, nickel.
Metal for frictional parts of locomotives (extremely hard)8758..........
Bearings of carriages973............
Bearings of driving wheels, also for steam-engine whistles giving a clear sound80218..........
Steam-engine whistles giving a deep sound81217..........
Cross-heads of connecting-rods82216..........
Cylinders of pumps, valve-boxes, and taps88210..........
Eccentric collars84214..........
Bearings of axles and trunnions; eccentric collars84214..........
Pistons of locomotives8893..........
Mathematical instruments, arms of balances9028..........
Machinery bearings, etc67..1419........
Steam-engine whistles30..18.. 2......
Metal to withstand friction (Stephenson)79588........
Metal for coffins15..4045........
Metal to withstand friction 2..72..26......
Cylinders of pumps 77221..........
Metal for bearings of locomotives 2..90.. 8......
White brittle metal (for buttons, etc.)10620..64......
Imitation silver64..3..........
Pinchbeck 51............
Red tombac101............
Specially adapted for bearings83..15.5..1.5......
For bearings and valves83.25..79..0.75....
Electrotype "backing metal"....491 5......
Stereotype metal for paper process......8812......
Stereotype metal for plaster process......8218......
Bullet metal......92.... 2..
Malleable brass plate6733..0.5........
Pin wire67330.50.5........
Jemmapes brass64.633.70.21.5........
Similor for gilding92.74.62.7..........
Maillechort for rolling6020..........20
Maillechort first quality83.......... 4
White similor7..........0.5..
For stopcock seats....86..14......
For stopcock plugs....80..20......
For keys of flutes, etc......2040......
Hard tin....1..0.5......
White tombac75..25..........
Vogel's alloy for polishing steel8121........
Rompel's anti-friction metal62101018........
Arguzoid, a tough alloy superior to brass56234......13½

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