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book binding, colouring the edgesЗначение термина book binding, colouring the edges в knolikbook binding, colouring the edges - book binding, Colouring the Edges book binding, colouring the edges - - The edges of a book should be in keeping with the binding. A half-roan book should not have an expensive edge, nor a whole bound morocco book a sprinkled. Taste is the only guide. Sprinklinq Edges. - (a) Take an old toothbrush and dip it into a coloured ink; shake off the superfluous ink, that the sparks formed may not be too large, and draw an old comb through it in such a manner as to make the ink fly off in sparks over the edges of the book. The following are a few coloured inks: Red; ¼ lb. of the best logwood is boiled with 1 oz. of pounded alum, and the same quantity of cream of tartar, with half the quantity of water, and, while the preparation is still warm, I oz, of sugar and 1 oz. gum arabic are dissolved in it. Blue; solution of indigo with pieces of alumina, and mixed with gum, forms a blue ink. Green; this is obtained from verdigris, distilled with vinegar, and mixed with a little gum. Yellow; saffron, alum, and gum water form a yellow. (b) Most shops have a colour, usually a reddish-brown, which they use for all sprinkled edge books; it can be purchased at any oil shop. A mixture of burnt umber and red-ochre is generally used; the 2 powders are well mixed in a mortar with paste, a few drops of sweet oil, and water. The colour may be tested by sprinkling some on a piece of white paper, allowing it to dry, and burnishing. If the colour powders or rubs, it is either too thick, or has not enough paste in it. If the former, some water must be added; if the latter, more paste. It will be better if the whole is passed through a cloth to rid it of any coarse particles. Books may be sprinkled so as to resemble a kind of marble by using 2 or 3 different colours. For instance, the book is put in the laying press, and a little sand is strewn upon the edge in small mounds. Then with a green colour a moderate sprinkle is given. After allowing it to dry, more sand is put on in various places, a dark sprinkle of brown is put on, and the whole is allowed to dry. When the sand is shaken off, the edge will be white where the first sand was dropped, green where the second and the rest brown. A colour of 2 shades may be made by using sand, then a moderately dark brown sprinkled, then more sand, and lastly a deeper shade of same colour. A few still use the "finger brush," a small brush about the size of a shaving brush, made of stiff bristles cut squarely. They dip it into the colour, and then by drawing the finger across it jerk the colour over the edge. Another method is to use a larger brush, which, being dipped in the colour, is beaten on a stick or press-pin until the desired amount of sprinkle is obtained. But the best plan for an amateur is to use a nailbrush and a common wire cinder-sifter. Dip the brush in the colour and rub it in a circular direction over the cinder-sifter. This mode has the satisfactory result of doing the work more quickly, finely and uniformly. The head, fore-edge and tail must be of exactly the same shade, and one end must not have more sprinkle on it than the other, and a set of books must have their edges precisely alike in tone and character. Colours for Sprinkling. - Many dyes and colours that answer all purposes, may be purchased ready for instant use. Judson's dyes diluted with water are very good. Plain Colouring. - The colours, having been well ground, are mixed with paste and a little oil, or glaire and oil. Then, with a sponge or brush, colour the whole of the edge. In colouring the fore-edge, the book should be drawn back so as to form a slope of the edge, so that when the book is opened a certain amount of colour will still be seen. It is often necessary to give the edges 2 coats of colour, and the first must be quite dry before the second tint is applied. A very good effect may be produced by first colouring the edge yellow, and when dry, after throwing on rice, seeds, pieces of thread, or anything else according to fancy, sprinkle with some other dark colour. For this class body colour should always be used. This may be varied in many different ways. Рядом со словом book binding, colouring the edges в knolik
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