cements, earthenware bisque

Значение термина cements, earthenware bisque в knolik

cements, earthenware bisque - Cements, Earthenware Bisque
cements, earthenware bisque - Burn some oyster shells, reduce to a powder in a muller and pass through a fine sieve. Make this into a paste with white of egg. The shells should be thoroughly cleaned, well-burned, air-slaked and finely powdered, making simply a fine article of lime.. The parts joined must be held firmly together for two minutes or so after the cement has been applied. Be sure the parts are thoroughly clean before joining.

Рядом со словом cements, earthenware bisque в knolik

cements, dextrineВ начало
буква ""
буквосочетание ""
cements, egg

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