cements, milk

Значение термина cements, milk в knolik

cements, milk - Cements, Milk
cements, milk - This cement is not so generally known as it ought to be. It is the simplest and best domestic cement for repairing china and crockery. The process consists simply in tying the parts firmly together and boiling them in skimmed milk. The tying together of the pieces of a round cup or bowl is not a very simple matter, but it can be done by going the right way to work. First, arrange the parts in their proper positions, and, if a bowl, set it mouth down, as the pieces will keep their arrangement best in this position. Then wind stout tape round the article, so as to hold the pieces together. Tape is far better than twine, and pieces should be kept for this purpose. It is easy to draw the tape tight until we come to tie the ends, and then special devices must be used. When sufficient tape has been wound round the article, let one person hold it from slipping by pressing a finger firmly on each end, and then let another person tie the ends in a firm knot, but leaving the tape so loose from the article that a pencil or stout skewer may be passed under it. Then by twisting the skewer the tape is tightened in the same way that a surgeon compresses an artery with his tourniquet, and by passing the fingers over the tape, and smoothing it forward toward the ends, all the pieces may be pressed together with a firmness that cannot be obtained in any other way. The article should now be placed in a pan of cold milk (skim-milk is the best and cheapest), which should be gradually heated to the boiling-point, and kept at this temperature for some time - say ½ to 1 hour - care being taken not to allow it to burn. The articles are allowed to cool in the milk, and when taken out are wiped dry and allowed to stand for a day or two until the cement has become quite hard. They may then be washed off with warm water, and the parts will be found to be strongly cemented together. The same milk may be used again, but not with such good effect. Generally, however, it is possible to pack quite a number of articles in the pan in the first place, especially if they can be "nested," or placed one within the other.

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