bottles cleansing

Значение термина bottles cleansing в knolik

bottles cleansing - Bottles cleansing
bottles cleansing -
  1. Do not use lead shot as it is a dirty and objectionable method, clippings of iron wire are a better means of rinsing. They are easily had, and the cleaning is rapid and complete. The iron is attacked by the oxygen of the air, but the ferruginous compound does not attach to the side of the bottle, and is easily removed in washing. Fordos found that the small traces of iron left had no apparent effect on the colour of red wines; it had on white wines, but very little; but he thinks it might be better to use clippings of tin for the latter.
  2. Take a handful of common quicklime, such as bricklayers use, and a handful of common washing soda; boil them in a large kitchen iron saucepan (which will only be cleaned, not damaged, by the process). When cold, the fluid will be lye; put this into the vessel you want to clean with some small pebbles; make it warm if you can, and shake up or let it soak according to the nature of the vessel.
  3. Gypsum (free from silicate), marble, or bruised bones, is preferable to shot or sand. Sulphuric acid and bichromate mixed, are best to free porcelain and glass from organic matter.
  4. Bottles containing Resinous Solutions. - Wash with caustic alkaline lyes, and rinse with alcohol; if they have held essential oils, wash with sulphuric acid, and rinse with water.
  5. Glass Bottles which have contained Petroleum. - Wash with thin milk of lime, which forms an emulsion with the petroleum, and removes every trace of it; by washing a second time with milk of lime and a small quantity of chloride of lime, even the smell may be so completely removed as to render the vessel, thus cleansed, fit for keeping beer in. If the milk of lime be used warm, instead of cold, the operation is rendered much shorter.

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