december 6

Значение термина december 6 в knolik

december 6 - December 6
december 6 - Chinese Regent resigns and guardians are appointed for infant Emperor. - British Home Secretary appoints Committee to enquire into selection and summoning of juries. - Mr. H. Oxley, English airman, and a pupil, killed at Filey, Yorkshire. - Insurance Bill passes its third reading in British House of Commons after Mr. H. W. Forster's amendment to postpone its coming into operation had been rejected by 320 votes to 223. - Mr. A. C. Gow, R.A., made Keeper of Royal Academy, London. - American Rivers and Harbours Congress begins its eighth annual session at Washington, D. C.

Рядом со словом december 6 в knolik

december 5В начало
буква ""
буквосочетание ""
december 7

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