december 12

Значение термина december 12 в knolik

december 12 - December 12
december 12 - King George holds Coronation Durbar at Delhi and announces transfer of the Indian capital from Calcutta to that city, which will be largely rebuilt for the purpose. - House of Lords reject second reading of Naval Prize Bill. - Mass meeting in New York in favour of Arbitration treaties broken up in disorder; Mr. Carnegie refused a hearing. - Queen of Spain gives birth to a daughter. - Explosion on board H.M.S. "Orion"; 18 injured. - Cabinet crisis in Persia; Mejliss refuse to accept Ministry willing to submit to Russia. - Sherwood Service "dollar-a-day" Pension bill, giving a pension of $15 to $30 a month to every soldier and adding $75,000,000 a year to the country's expenditure, passed by U. S. House of Representatives 229 to 92. - Oxford beats Cambridge in Rugby football match at Queens Club by 19 points to nil.

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