december 18

Значение термина december 18 в knolik

december 18 - December 18
december 18 - M. Caillaux speaks in French Chamber on Franco- German Agreement. - American Ambassador at St. Peters burg is instructed by Pres. Taft to denounce Russian commercial treaty, which would therefore come to an end on January 1, 1913. - Persian Cabinet try again unsuccessfully to get assent of Mejliss to Russian demands. - Sale of Mathys art collection in Brussels. - It is announced in British Parliament that the Welsh Commissioners under the National Health Insurance Act will be Alderman T. J, Hughes (Chairman), Dr. Meredith Richards, J. Rowland, Miss Violet Douglas-Pennant. - Receivers for Wabash Railroad Company, U. S., appointed on bill of complaint filed by Westinghouse Air Brake Co.

Рядом со словом december 18 в knolik

december 17В начало
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буквосочетание ""
december 19

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