january 18

Значение термина january 18 в knolik

january 18 - January 18
january 18 - Turkish parliament dissolved. - British Miners' ballot on a strike results in a vote of 445,801 for and 115,721 against. - Wreck of "Wistow Hall" off Aberdeenshire; 52 drowned. - Baron von Winogradoff, Russian naval officer, and Wilhelm von Cerno, engineer, sentenced at Leipzig to 3 gears' imprisonment for espionage. - Fighting near Tripoli between Arabs and Italians. - M. Henri de Regnier received as a member of the French Academy. - Fighting at Guayaquil in Ecuador between the troops of the Quito Govt. and the Provisional Govt.; over 1,000 killed. - Edwin V. Morgan (b. 1865) of New York appointed U. S. ambassador to Brazil as successor of minister Irving B. Dudley. - Pres. Taft pardons Charles W. Morse, sentenced January 3, 1910 to 15 years' imprisonment for violation of U. S. banking laws. - John P. White re-elected pres. of United Mine Workers of America.

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