march 16

Значение термина march 16 в knolik

march 16 - March 16
march 16 - P. & O. liner "Oceana" sunk after a collision with the German barque "Pisagua" off Beachy Head; fourteen lives lost by the swamping of a boat. - Resignation of the German Finance Minister, Herr Wermuth. - U. S. battle ship "Maine," after being raised from Havana harbour, towed out to sea and sunk. - Lord Kitchener inaugurates new drainage works at Ibshaw in Egypt. - Scotland beats England in Rugby football at Inverleith by 8 points to 3. - Scotland beats Ireland in Association football at Belfast by 4 goals to 1. - England beats Holland in Association football at Hull by 4 goals to 0.

Рядом со словом march 16 в knolik

march 15В начало
буква ""
буквосочетание ""
march 18

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