june 13

Значение термина june 13 в knolik

june 13 - June 13
june 13 - Arab attack on Lebda, Tripoli, repulsed with heavy loss. - Mr. Balfour speaks on Home Rule at Preston. - Eight Suffragist women arrested in Dublin on a charge of window breaking. - Committee of Inquiry at Cherbourg into loss of submarine "Vendemiaire" acquits capt. of battleship "St. Louis." - Khost valley rebellion in Afghanistan reported to be subsiding. - Kieff newspapers publish result of an inquiry disproving charge of ritual murder against Jews. - Miss Malecka arrives in London after her release from Russian prison. - U.S. House of Representatives votes $25,000 appropriation for President's travelling expenses. - Mounts Katmai, Redoubt and Iliamna, Alaska, in eruption. - Strike riots in Perth Amboy, N. J., at American Smelting and Refining Co.'s works. - Decree filed in U.S. Circuit Court, at Wilmington, Del., ordering dissolution of E.I. DuPont de Nemours Powder Co. before December. - Conference report on Army appropriation bill accepted by U.S. House of Representatives. - Visiting German battleship squadron leaves N. Y. - 13 contests decided in favour of Roosevelt delegates by Republican National Committee.

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