july 12

Значение термина july 12 в knolik

july 12 - July 12
july 12 - Franchise Bill read a second time in British House of Commons by 290 to 218, after speeches by Mr. Balfour, Mr. Asquith and Mr. Bonar Law. - Mr. F. E. Smith speaks at Belfast in the Boyne celebrations, and Capt. Craig, M.P. announces that an Ulster Day will be inaugurated. - Mr. Lloyd George and the Governor of the Bank of England speak at the Mansion House on national finance and the fall in consols. - Conference between the Govt. and Lord Devonport on the London dock strike. - Sale of Raeburns at Christie's for prices of from 3,900 to 6,800 guineas, and of a Rembrandt for 5,800 guineas. - England wins Elcho Shield at Bisley. - Saskatchewan provincial elections result in an increased majority for the Liberals. - Seizure of arms and ammunition at Belas by Portuguese Repxiblican troops. - General strike at Zurich caused by importation of German workmen. - Point Tupper (N.S.) destroyed by fire. - New York shipping strike spreads to Pennsylvania Railroad freight dockers. - At Atlantic City, N.J., National Prohibition Convention nominates Eugene W. Chafin and Aaron S. Watkins for President and Vice-President of U.S.

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