july 27

Значение термина july 27 в knolik

july 27 - July 27
july 27 - London Transport Workers' Strike Committee recommend port workers to resume work at once. - Mr. Bonar Law, speaking at Blenheim, says it is the duty of the Unionist party to support Ulster in resisting the Home Rule Bill. - Messrs. Harland> & Wolf, Belfast, ship-builders, announce gradual shutting down of their works owing to trouble and intimidation amongst their employees. - Last section of Bagdad railway, from El Helif to Bagdad, be gun. - Extension of Tube railway from the Bank of Liver pool St., London, opened. - Visit of Mr. Borden and Canadian ministers to Paris. - Three miniatures by Mrs. Frank Eastman stolen from Royal Academy, London. - Turkish Cabinet issue manifesto to population of Northern Albania stating that armed force will not be used against them, and that a Parliamentary Commission will enquire into their grievances. - Joseph Fischer, German airman, with a passenger (Kugler) killed near Munich. - Capt. Dom Joao de'Almeida, Portuguese royalist, sentenced at Lisbon to 6 years' imprisonment followed by 10 years' deportation to a Portuguese Colony. - Substitute for House Free-Sugar bill, proposed by Senator Henry Cabot Lodge, fixing duty at 1.6 cents a pound, passed by U.S. Senate.

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