october 26

Значение термина october 26 в knolik

october 26 - October 26
october 26 - Servians occupy Uskub, which the Turks have abandoned, and capture 123 guns. - M. Poincare speaks at Nantes on possibility of European intervention in Balkan war. - M. Mairoesco, Rumanian Premier, reconstitutes his Cabinet. - Saad-ed-Dowleh becomes candidate for Premiership of Persia. - M. Charpentier elected member of French Academy. - International Convention for regulation of exhibitions signed in Berlin. - General Diaz and two Mexican officers sentenced to death by court martial.

Рядом со словом october 26 в knolik

october 25В начало
буква ""
буквосочетание ""
october 27

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