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skylark![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Значение термина skylark в knolikskylark - Skylark skylark - Upper parts varied with three shades of brown, the darkest of which lies along the shaft of each feather; a faint whitish streak over the eye; throat white; under parts yellowish white tinged with brown; the throat and sides of neck with dark brown lanceolate spots, which form a gorget just above the breast. Length, seven inches and a quarter. The skylark is so universally diffused in these islands, and so abundant, well known, and favourite a species, that anything beyond a brief and prosaic account of its habits would appear superfluous. His image, better than any pen can portray it, already exists in every mind. A distinguished ornithologist, writing of the sparrow, declines to describe its language, and asks his reader to open his window and hear it for himself. In like manner, I may ask my reader to listen to the lark's song, which exists registered in his own brain. For he must have heard it times without number, this being a music which, like the rain and sunshine, falls on all of us. If someone, too curious, should desire me not to concern myself with the images and registered sensations of others' brains, but to record here my own impressions and feelings, I could but refer him to Shelley's 'Ode to a Skylark,' which describes the bird at his best - the bird, and the feeling produced on the listener. Some ornithologist (I blush to say it) has pointed out that the poet's description is unscientific and of no value; nevertheless, it embodies what we all feel at times, although we may be without inspiration, and have only dull prose for expression. It is true there are those who are not moved by nature's sights and sounds, even in her ' special moments,' who regard a skylark merely as something to eat with a delicate flavour. It is well, if we desire to think the best that we can of our fellows, to look on such persons as exceptions, like those, perhaps fabled, monsters of antiquity who feasted on nightingales' tongues and other strange meats. The skylark inhabits open places, and is to be met with on pastures, commons, downs, and mountain slopes; but he prefers arable land, and is most abundant in cultivated districts. In winter his song may be occasionally heard in mild weather; in February it becomes more frequent, and increases until the end of March, when it may be said that his music is at full flood; and at this high point it continues for several months, during which time successive broods are reared. A more inexhaustible singer than the lark does not exist; and when we consider how abundant and widely diffused the bird is, the number of months during which he is vocal, and the character of the song - a rapid torrent of continuous sound - it is almost possible to believe that the melody from this one species actually equals in amount that from all the other song-birds together. The nest, made in April, is a slight hollow in the ground in a cornfield, or among the grass of a meadow, or any open place, and is composed of dry grass and moss, lined with fine grass and horsehair. The eggs are four or five in number, greyish white, spotted and clouded with greenish brown. Two or three broods are reared. In September the skylarks begin to assemble in flocks and shift their ground. At this season they migrate in large numbers; but many remain throughout the year, except in the more northern districts. Large flocks of migrants from the Continent also appear during the winter months. In winter the lark feeds chiefly on seeds; in summer he is an insect as well as a seed eater. Рядом со словом skylark в knolik
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