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abbreviations general, e
Значение термина abbreviations general, e в knolik
abbreviations general, e - Abbreviations general, e
abbreviations general, e - E. | East; electorate. | e. | Eldest. | E. & O. E. | Errors and omissions excepted. | E.B. | Encyclopaedia Britannica. | Ebor | Eboracensis (Latin), of York (Abp.'s signature). | E.C. | Earth closet; East Central; Episcopal Church. | Eccl. | Book of Ecclesiastes. | eccles. | Ecclesiastical. | Ecclus. | Book of Ecclesiasticus. | Ed. | Editor. | ed. | Edited; edition. | E.E. | Early English; electrical engineer; employment exchange; errors excepted. | Eg. | Egyptian. | e.g. | Exempli gratia (Latin), for the sake of example. | E.H. | English Hymnal. | E.I. | East Indies. | el. | Elected; electricity; element. | Eliz. | Elizabeth(-an). | Emb. | Embankment; Embassy. | E.M.I. | Electrical and Musical Industries. | E. N. & T. | Ear, nose, and throat. | E.N.E. | East-North-East. | Eng. | Engineering; England; English. | engr. | Engineer; engraver. | Ent. | Entered at; entomology. | Ep. | Epistle. | E.P. | Electro-plated. | E.P.A. | Emergency Powers Act. | E.P.D. | Excess Profits Duty. | Eph. | Epistle to the Ephesians. | episc. | Episcopal. | E.P.N.S. | Electro-plated nickel silver. | E.P.T. | Excess Profits Tax. | Eq. | Equator; equerry. | eq. | Equal. | E.R. | East Riding; Eduardus Rex (Latin), King Edward; Elisabetha Regina (Latin), Queen Elizabeth. | er. | Elder. | Esdr. | Book of Esdras. | E.S.E. | East-South-East. | esp. | Especially. | Esq. | Esquire. | est. | Established; estimated. | estab., estd. | Established. | Esth. | Book of Esther. | et al. | Et alia (Latin), and other things. | etc. | Et cetera (Latin), and other things. | et seq. | Et sequem (Latin), and the following. | Euc. | Euclid. | evg. | Evening. | Ex. | Book of Exodus; exchange. | ex. | Example; exercise; extra. | exc. | Excellent; except; excudit (Latin), he engraved. | Exch. | Exchange; Exchequer. | excl. | Excluding. | exec. | Executed. | ex. lib. | Ex libris (Latin), from the books. | Exod. | Book of Exodus. | ex off. | Ex officio (Latin), by virtue of office. | Exon | Exoniensis (Latin), of Exeter (Bp.'s signature). | exor. | Executor. | exp. | Export(-s); express. | exr(x). | Executor(-trix). | ext. | Extension; exterior; external; extinct; extract. | Ezek. | Book of Ezekiel. |
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