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abbreviations general, f
Значение термина abbreviations general, f в knolik
abbreviations general, f - Abbreviations general, f
abbreviations general, f - F. | Fahrenheit; fair; female; firm (pencils); the Folio Shakespeare. | f. | Farthing(-s); father; fathom(-s); feminine; focus; foot or feet; forte (Italian). loud; function (maths.); furlong(-s). | F.A. | Financial adviser. | f.a.a. | Free of all average. | F.A.F. | Fresh Air Fund. | Fahr. | Fahrenheit. | fam. | Familiar(-ly); family. | far. | Farriery; farthing. | f.a.s. | Free alongside ship. | F.A.W. | Front axle weight. | F.B. | Fire brigade. | F.B.H. | Fire brigade hydrant. | F.C. | Free Church (Scotland). | f.co. | Fair copy. | fcp. | Foolscap. | f.c.s. | Free of capture and seizure. | F.C.T. | Federal Capital Territory. | F.D.R. | Franklin Delano Roosevelt. | Feb. | February. | Fec. | Fecit (Latin), he made. | Fed. | Federalist; federated. | Fedn. | Federation. | fem. | Feminine. | F.F. | Fianna Fail. | ff. | Folios; following pages; fortissimo (Italian), very loud. | F.G. | Fine Gael. | f.g.a. | Free of general average. | F.H. | Fire hydrant. | F.I.A.T. | Fabbrica Italiana Automobile Torino (Italian motor factory at Turin). | fict. | Fictitious. | Fid. | Def. Fidei Defensor (Latin), Defender of the Faith. | fig. | Figurative(-ly); figure. fir. Firkin. | Fl. | Flute. | fl. | Florin; floruit (Latin), he flourished; fluid. | Fla. | Florida. | fm. | Farm; fathom. | F.M.D. | Foot and month disease. | F.M.S. | Federated Malay States. | f.n. | Footnote. | fnld. | Founded. | fndr. | Founder. | F.O. | Foreign Office; full organ. | fo(l). | Folio. | f.o.b. | Free on board. | foll. | Following. | for. | Foreign; former(-ly). f.o.r. Free on rail. | f.o.s. | Free on station. | F.P. | Fine paper; footpath. | fp. | Forte piano (Italian), loud then soft. | f.p. | Fire plug; foot pound(-s); freezing point. | f.p.a. | Free of particular average. | Fr. | Father; franc(-s); France or French; Frau (German). Mrs.; friar. | Fri. | Friday. | Frl. | Fraulein (German), Miss. | F.S. | Faire suivre (French), please forward; Financial Secretary. | Ft. | Fort. | ft. | Feint; foot or feet. | fur. | Furlong(-s); furnished. | fut. | Future. | f.v. | Folio verso (Latin), on the back of the page. | F.W.A. | Factories and Workshops Act; French West Africa. | F.W.B. | Four wheel brakes. fwd. Forward. |
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