I. | Island; one (Roman). |
i. | Intransitive. |
ib., ibid. | Ibidem (Latin), in the same place. |
I.C. | Indo-China; internal combustion. |
i/c. | In charge of. |
I.C.I. | Imperial Chemical Industries. |
LC.S. | Indian Civil Service; International Correspondence Schools. |
id. | Idem (Latin), the same. |
Ida. | Idaho. |
I.D.B. | Illicit diamond buyer. |
I.D.C. | Imperial Defence College. |
I.E. | Indo-European. |
i.e. | Id est (Latin), that is. |
I.G. | Industrien Gesellschaft (a German chemical combine); Inspector General. |
I.H.S. | Jesus Hominum Salvator (Latin), Jesus, the Saviour of mankind. |
Ill. | Illinois. |
illus. | Illustrated by; illustration(-s). |
I.L.O. | International Labour Office. |
i.l.o. | In lieu of. |
I.L.P. | Independent Labour Party. |
Imp. | Imperator (Latin), emperor; imperial. |
imp. | Imperative; imperfect (grammar); import(-s)(-ed); impression (publishing); imprimatur (Latin), let it be printed. |
in. | Inch. |
Inc. | Incorporated. |
incl | Including; inclusive. |
incog. | Incognito (Italian), unknown. |
Ind. | Independent; index; Indian; Indiana; industrial. |
I.N.D. | In nomine Dei (Latin), in God's name. |
ind. | Indicative. |
inf. | Infinitive; information; infra (Latin), below, or further on. |
infra dig. | Infra dignitatem (Latin), beneath dignity. |
I.N.I. | In nomine Jesus (Latin), in the name of Jesus. |
in loc. | In loco (Latin), in its place. |
inns. | Innings. |
in pr. | In principio (Latin), in. the first place. |
I.N.R.I. | Jesus Nazarenus Rex Judaeorum. (Latin), Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews. |
Ins. | Inspector; insurance. |
I.N.S. | International News Service. |
Insc. | Inscribed. |
Insp. | Inspector. |
inst. | Instants mense (Latin), in the present month; institute(-d). |
int. | Interest; interim; interior; internal; interval. |
int. al. | Inter alia (Latin), among other things. |
Inter. | Intermediate examination. |
intr. | Intransitive. |
Intro. | Introduction. |
introd. | Introduced. |
inv. | Invented; invoice(-d) |
lo. | Iowa. |
I.O. | India Office; Intelligence officer. |
I.O.M. | Isle of Man. |
I.O.W. | Isle of Wight. |
I.P.A. | India pale ale. |
I.Q. | Intelligence quotient. |
i.q. | idem quod (Latin), the same as. |
I.R. | Inland Revenue. |
I.R.A. | Irish Republican Army. |
I.R.C. | International Red Cross. |
I.R.O. | Inland Revenue Office. |
Is. | Book of Isaiah; islands. |
It. | Italian (usually of vermouth). |
Ital. | Italian; italic. |
I.W. | Isle of Wight. |
I.W.T. | Inland water transport. |
I.W.W. | Industrial Workers of the World. |
I.X. | Jesus Christ. |