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abbreviations general, h
Значение термина abbreviations general, h в knolik
abbreviations general, h - Abbreviations general, h
abbreviations general, h - H. | Hard (pencils); heart (cards); horrific (films); hot (tap); hydrant. | h. | Height; hour(-s); hundred; husband. | Hab. | Book of Habakkuk. | hab. | Habitat (Latin), he lives. | Hag. | Book of Haggai. | h. & c. | Hot and cold water. | Hants. | Hampshire. | HB. | Hard black (pencils). | H.C. | House of Commons; House of Correction. | h.c. | Honoris causa (Latin), as a way of honouring. | H.C.F. | Highest common factor. | h(d)cp. | Handicap. | Heb. | Epistle to the Hebrews; Hebrew. | hept. | Heptagon(-al). | her. | Heraldic. | Herts. | Hertfordshire. | hex. | Hexagon(-al). | HF. | Hard firm (pencils). | hfbd. | Half-bound. | hfcf. | Half-calf. | hfcl. | Half-cloth. | H.G. | High German; Holy Ghost. | hg. | Hectogramme(-s); heliograph. | hhd. | Hogshead. | Hil. | Hilary. | H.J.(S.) | Hie jacet (sepultus), (Latin), here lies (buried). | H.K. | Hong Kong; House of Keys. | H.L. | House of Lords. | hi. | Hectolitre(-s). | H.M. | Headmaster. | hm. | Hectometre(-s). | H.M.C. | Headmasters' Conference; His Majesty's Customs. | H.M.P. | Hand-made paper; hoc monumctitum posuit (Latin), he erected this monument. | H.M.S. | His Majesty's Service; His Majesty's ship. | H.M.T. | His Majesty's trawler. | H.M.V. | His Master's Voice. | Ho. | House. | H.O. | Head Office; hold over; Home Office. | Hon. | Honorary; Honourable. | hor. | Horizon. | Hos. | Book of Hosea. | H.P. | High pressure; high priest; high power; house physician; Houses of Parliament. | h.p. | Half pay; hire purchase; horse power. | hr. | Hour. | H.S. | Home Secretary; hospital ship; house surgeon. | H.S.C. | Higher School Certificate. | H.S.E. | Hie sepultus esi (Latin), here is buried. | H.T. | Hawaiian Territory; high tension. | Hunts. | Huntingdonshire. | H.W. | High water. | h.w. | Hit wicket; hot water. | H.W.M. | High water mark. | hy. | Heavy. | hyd. | Hydrostatic. | hyp. | Hypothetical. |
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