
Значение термина abeokuta в knolik

abeokuta - Abeokuta
abeokuta - Town of Nigeria, in the Yoruba territory. Capital of Egba district, on the Ogun river, 60 m. by rly. N. of Lagos, the town, or rather group of towns and villages, covers a large area, and is enclosed by a high mud wall. Founded in 1825 as a refuge from the incursions of the slave-hunters of Dahomey and Ibadan, the various tribes constituted it a free confederacy while retaining their separate religions and customs. Frequently attacked, notably in 1851 by Gezo, king of Dahomey, it resisted all attempts to capture it. Greatly improved in recent years, it has courts of justice, government buildings, and waterworks opened in 1914, and is the centre of an active trade in palm oil, rubber, timber, and other local produce and European manufactured goods. Following disturbances in 1914, the Alake, or president of the council of chiefs, placed the district of Egba under the direct control of the Nigerian Government. Pop. 45,763.

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