
Значение термина adsorption в knolik

adsorption - Adsorption (Lat. ad, to; sorbere, to suck up)
adsorption - The term means absorption at the surface of a solid body. In a crystal of common salt, NaCl, there is, except at the surface, a regular arrangement of the atoms of chlorine and sodium: each chlorine atom is attracted by, or combined with, six chlorine atoms: at the surface, however, each chlorine atom is attracted by five sodium atoms and each sodium atom by five chlorine atoms. There is accordingly a reserve of attraction possessed by every atom on the surface which makes the surface more active chemically than the interior. A similar state of things is found in many solids and liquids. A surface of the metal palladium attracts, and is possibly in a state of weak combination with, the gas hydrogen; one volume of palladium in a fine state of division adsorbs about 500 volumes of hydrogen. Charcoal, which is mainly carbon, contains many tiny holes and passages and therefore has a very large "number of surfaces. Coconut charcoal and charcoal specially prepared to have plenty of such surfaces arc known as activated charcoal. They are largely used to adsorb, or collect, gases, vapours, and liquids that are undesirable or commercially valuable. Special charcoals are used in gas masks, for the recovery of benzene and other volatile oily compounds from town's gas, or to remove fusel oil from whisky. Adsorption plays an important part in dyeing certain fibres and fabrics. Not only are the original surface atoms specially active; the adsorbed atoms and molecules ma%' also be very active. This is the basis of many catalytic action processes used in industry. See Absorption; Catalysis.

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