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alcohol![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Значение термина alcohol в knolikalcohol - alcohol alcohol - See also distilling spirit, evaporating, perfumes, etc. The following matter will be found to deal with the general subject of alcohol, so far as the space will admit, while further information will be found under the sub-heading of Spirit in the subject entitled Distilling. The purposes to which alcohol are now put are very varied and great in number, while it may be estimated that the "denaturing " of alcohol, making it into what is commonly known as Methylated Spirit, has given a stimulus to distilling that can be only described as enormous. As will be seen, Methylated Spirit, is simply alcohol which has had a substance added that gives it a disagreeable odour and flavour, making it unfit to drink, though remaining alcohol in all other respects. The important effect of this is that the spirit then is no longer subject to the heavy excise duty that alcohol has otherwise to bear. With this duty added the cost of alcohol prohibits its use for the great number of purposes to which the denatured or methylated spirit is put. As a motive power or an illuminant for instance the taxed alcohol has a prohibitive price, but minus the tax the spirit is of growing commercial or rather industrial importance. Methylated spirit, it may be added, derives its name from the fact that the alcohol of sugar (ethyl alcohol) is usually converted by the addition of a small percentage of the alcohol of wood (methyl alcohol). Although alcohols of other names and having different chemical formulae can be produced from many vegetable, and some other substances, the two named above are those which chiefly concern the distiller. Alcohol does not occur in nature, but is the product of the decomposition of glucose [uncrystallisable sugar], which, under the influence of certain nitrogenous substances called "ferments," is split up into alcohol and carbonic anhydride, the latter being evolved in the form of a gas, while the former remains, behind mixed with water, from which it is separated by distillation. All substances containing sugar, or substances which can be converted into sugar (e.g. starch), are "alcoholisable," or capable of yielding alcohol. The manufacture of alcohol on a commercial scale is too large a subject for discussion here, and may best be studied in such works as Spons' Encyclopaedia, but the chief varieties deserve a brief notice. In all cases (except caustic alcohol) the same operations have to be carried out, viz. (1) fermentation, to convert the glucose into alcohol; (2) distillation, to separate the water and alcohol; (3) and these are followed by rectification. In this article we'd like to discuss the following alcohols: Caustic-alcohol, Fruit-alcohol, Grain-alcohol, Molasses-alcohol, Moss alcohol, Root alcohol, Alcohol Rectification, Wood alcohol, Denatured Alcohol (Methylated Spirit), Alcohol Barrels. Рядом со словом alcohol в knolik
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