bleaching, wool

Значение термина bleaching, wool в knolik

bleaching, wool - Bleaching, Wool
bleaching, wool - - The wool is first prepared according to the purposes for which it is intended, by treating it with solutions of soap. By this process it is cleared of a great quantity of loose impurity and grease which is always found in wool, often losing no less than 70 per cent, of its weight. The heat of the lye must be carefully attended to, as a high temperature is found to fix the unctuous matter or yolk of the wool. After washing it is taken to a sulphur chamber, where it is exposed to the fumes arising from the slow combustion of sulphur, for from five to twenty hours, according to circumstances. It is again washed, and then immersed in a bath composed of pure whiting and blue. It is then exposed a second time to the fumes of the sulphur, and washed with a solution of soap, which renders it of the proper whiteness.

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