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boiler incrustation, glycerineЗначение термина boiler incrustation, glycerine в knolikboiler incrustation, glycerine - boiler incrustation, Glycerine boiler incrustation, glycerine - M. E. Asselin, of Paris, recommends the use of glycerine as a preventative. It increases the solubility of combinations of lime, and especially of the sulphate. It forms with these combinations soluble compounds. When the quantity of lime becomes so great that it can no longer be dissolved, nor form soluble combinations, it is deposited in a gelatinous substance, which never adheres to the surface of the iron plates. The gelatinous substances thus formed are not carried with the steam into the cylinder of the engine. M. Asselin advises the employment of 1 lb. of glycerine for every 300 lb. or 400 lb. of coal burnt. To prevent boiler incrustation: -
When these preparations are used add 1 qt. of water, and in ordinary cases charge the boiler every month; but if the incrustation is very bad, charge every 2 weeks. Filtering the feed is an excellent precaution, and should be universally adopted; but to prevent the corrosive action in marine and other boilers of substances which no filtering can arrest, Rowan thinks nothing better can be suggested than forming on the interior surfaces an artificial coating of calcium sulphate and magnesium hydrate, in proportions varying with the pressure carried in the boiler. The mixture can be easily fed in in the form of a thin whitewash with fresh water; but to obtain the best results it should be supplied at the commencement of the boiler's career, before corrosion has unfitted the surfaces of the plates for the adherence of the protective coat. It is claimed that when once hardened by heat, the artificial scale thus made with fresh water cannot be dissolved by fresh water, and is not likely to be affected by the small quantity of sea water which may leak in; that its thickness is quite under control; and that it is safe and free from the trouble attending the keeping up of a salt scale. Рядом со словом boiler incrustation, glycerine в knolik
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