
Значение термина burnishing в knolik

burnishing - burnishing
burnishing - To burnish an article is to polish it by removing the small roughness upon its surface; and this is performed by a burnisher. This mode of polishing is the most expeditious, and gives the greatest lustre to a polished body. It removes the marks left by the emery, putty, or other polishing materials; and gives to the burnished articles a black lustre, resembling that of looking-glass. The form and construction of the burnisher is extremely variable, according to the respective trades; and it must be adapted to the various kinds of work in the same art. In general, this tool is only intended to efface inequalities. Whatever substance the burnisher is made of is of little consequence to the article burnished, provided only that it is of a harder substance than that article.


Burnishers. - The burnishers used are of two kinds, of steel and of hard stone. They are either curved or straight, rounded or pointed, and made so as to suit the projecting parts, or the hollows of the piece. Stone burnishers are made of blood-stone, cut, and either rounded with the grindstone, or rubbed, so that they present, at the bottom, a very blunt edge, or sometimes a rounded surface. These are polished with emery, like steel burnishers, and are finished by being rubbed upon a leather, covered with crocus martis. The stone is mounted in a wooden handle, and firmly fixed by a copper ferrule, which encircles both the stone and the wood. The best blood-stones are those which contain the most iron, and which, when polished, present a steel colour.

Mode of Operation

The operation of burnishing is very simple; take hold of the tool very near to the stone, and lean very hard with it on those parts which are to be burnished, causing it to glide by a backward and forward movement, without taking it off the piece. When it is requisite that the hand should pass over a large surface at once, without losing its point of support on the work-bench, in taking hold of the burnisher be careful to place it just underneath the little finger. By this means the work is done quicker, and the tool is more solidly fixed in the hand.

During the whole process, the tool must be continually moistened with black soapsuds. The water with which it is frequently wetted causes it to glide more easily over the work, prevents it from heating, and facilitates its action. The black soap, containing more alkali than the common soap, acts with greater strength in cleansing off any greasiness which might still remain on the surface; it also more readily detaches the spots which would spoil the beauty of the burnishing. In consequence of the friction the burnisher soon loses its bite, and slips over the surface of the article as if it were oily. In order to restore its action, it must be rubbed, from time to time, on the leather. The leather is fixed on a piece of hard wood, with shallow furrows along it. There are generally two leathers - one made of sole leather and the other of buff leather. The first is impregnated with a little oil and crocus martis, and is particularly used for the blood-stone burnishers; the other has only a little putty of tin scattered in the furrows, and is intended exclusively for rubbing steel burnishers, as they are not so hard as the blood-stone. Blood-stone being very hard, the workman uses it whenever he can, in preference to the steel burnisher. It is only in small articles, and in difficult places, that steel burnishers are used, as they, by their variety of form, are adapted to all kinds of work. In general, the blood-stone greatly reduces the labour. When the articles, on account of their minuteness or from any other cause, cannot be conveniently held in the hand, they are fixed in a convenient frame on the bench, but under all circumstances be very careful to manage the burnisher so as to leave untouched those parts of the work which are intended to remain dull. When in burnishing an article which is plated or lined with silver, there is any place where the layer of precious metal is removed, restore it by silvering these places with a composition supplied by the silverer, which is applied with a brush, rubbing the part well, and wiping it afterwards with an old linen cloth. The burnishing being finished, remove the soapsuds which still adhere to the surface of the work; this is effected by rubbing it with a piece of old linen cloth. But when there are a great number of small pieces to finish, to throw them into soapsuds and dry them afterwards with sawdust is more expeditious.

The burnishing of gold leaf or silver, on wood, is performed with burnishers made of dogs' teeth, or agates, mounted in iron or wooden handles. When about to burnish gold, applied on other metals, dip the blood-stone burnisher into vinegar; this kind being exclusively used for that purpose. But when burnishing leaf-gold on prepared surfaces of wood, keep the stone, or tooth, perfectly dry.

The burnisher used by leather gilders is a hard polished stone, mounted in a wooden handle - this is to sleek or smooth the leather.

The ordinary engravers' burnisher is a blade of steel, made thin at one end, to fit into a small handle to hold it by. The part in the middle of the blade is rounded on the convex side, and is also a little curved. The rounded part must be well polished, and the tool be very hard. This burnisher is used to give the last polish to such parts of copper and steel plates as may have been accidentally scratched, or specked, where false lines are to be removed, and also to lighten in a small degree such parts as have been too deeply etched or graved.

In clockmaking, those pieces or parts are burnished which, on account of their size or form, cannot be conveniently polished. The burnishers are of various forms and sizes; they are all made of cast steel, very hard, and well polished; some are formed like sage-leaf files, others like common files - the first are used to burnish screws, and pieces of brass; the others are used for flat pieces. The clockmakers have also very small ones of this kind, to burnish their pivots - they are called pivot burnishers.

Burnishing Cutlery

Burnishing Cutlery. - The burnishing of cutlery is executed by hand or vice burnishers; they are all made of fine steel, hardened, and well polished. The first kind have nothing particular in their construction; but vice burnishers are formed and mounted in a very different manner. On a long piece of wood, placed horizontally in the vice, is fixed another piece, as long, but bent in the form of a bow, the concavity of which is turned downwards. These two pieces are united at one of their extremities by a pin and a hook, which allows the upper piece to move freely around this point as a centre. The burnisher is fixed in the middle of this bent piece, and it is made more or less projecting, by the greater or lesser length which is given to its base. The movable piece of wood, at the extremity opposite to the hook, is furnished with a handle, which serves the workman as a lever. This position allows the burnisher to rest with greater force against the article to be burnished, which is placed on the fixed piece of wood. The burnisher has either the form of the face of a round-headed hammer, well polished, to burnish those pieces which are plain or convex; or the form of two cones opposed at their summits, with their bases rounded, to burnish those pieces which are concave or ring-shaped.

Burnishing Pewter

The burnishing of pewter articles is done after the work has been turned, or finished off with a scraper - the burnishers are of different kinds, for burnishing articles either by hand, or in the lathe; they are all of steel, and while in use are rubbed with putty powder on leather, and moistened with soapsuds.

Burnishing Silver

Commence by cleaning off any kind of dirt which the surface of the silver articles had contracted whilst making, as that would entirely spoil the burnishing. For this purpose take pumice powder, and with a brush, made very wet in strong soapsuds, rub the various parts of the work, even those parts which are to remain dull, which, nevertheless, receive thus a beautiful white appearance; wipe with an old linen cloth, and proceed to the burnishing. (See also Bookbinding and Gilding.)

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