cameo cutting

Значение термина cameo cutting в knolik

cameo cutting - cameo cutting
cameo cutting - Take the common helmet, or the red helmet shell (those shells whose inner surface is pink or dark coloured are most suitable), cut them into squares with a lapidary's mill, round oil the corners, and shape them into an oval on a wet grindstone. Fix the enamel side on a short stick with jeweller's cement, grind off the brittle surface, sketch the subject with a black-lead pencil, cut the subject with engraver's tools, namely, a chisel tool to clear the bare places; a lozenge-shape for forming the subject, and a scraper, made of a three-angled file, ground off taper to the point, for cleaning the enamel surface round the subject, and also for forming the lineaments and other delicate parts. The colour on the cheeks and hair is produced by leaving the layer of coloured shell on those places. The stick must be grasped in the left hand, and held firmly against a steady bench, and with the tool resting in the hollow of the right hand, dig away the shell. A convenient length for the tools is 3½ in.; they must be kept in good condition to work with accuracy, The cameos are polished with a cedar stick, or a piece of cork dipped in oil of vitriol and putty powder, and cleaned with soap and water. Mother-of-pearl is carved in the same way.

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