cements, fire lutes

Значение термина cements, fire lutes в knolik

cements, fire lutes - Cements, Fire Lutes
cements, fire lutes -
  1. Mix thoroughly 2 parts good clay, 8 parts sharp washed sand, 1 part horse-dung, then temper like mortar.
  2. Linseed or almond meal mixed to a paste with milk, lime-water, or starch-paste. This lute stands to 500° F.
  3. Mix dry clay in powder with drying oil into a thick paste. The part to which this is applied must be clean and dry.
  4. Plaster of Paris mixed with water, milk, or weak glue. Both (3) and (4) stand a dull red heat.
Flexible cement is made by melting together equal parts gutta-percha and white pine pitch. This cement softens on the water-bath and is not deteriorated by remelting.

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