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january 20Значение термина january 20 в knolikjanuary 20 - January 20 january 20 - M. Briand, French Premier, speaks in Chamber on the government's relations to the General Confederation of Labour. - Dr. Talbot, Bishop of Southwark, translated to Bishopric of Winchester. - Rioting at Hankau quelled by British and German bluejackets; 12 Chinese killed, 13 wounded. - Ecuador refuses to submit her dispute with Peru to the Hague Tribunal. - Andrew Carnegie adds $10,000,- 000 to endowment of Carnegie Institution of Washington, D. C. - Dr. H. C. Bumpus (b. 1862), director of American Museum of Natural History since 1902, resigns. Рядом со словом january 20 в knolik
Статья про january 20 была прочитана 526 раз |
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