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february 3Значение термина february 3 в knolikfebruary 3 - February 3 february 3 - German Crown Prince arrives in Calcutta. - Sir John Fuller appointed Governor of Madras. - Sir T. G. Carmichael appointed Governor of Victoria. - Mr. Charles Aitken appointed Keeper of Tate Gallery, London, vice Mr. D. S. MacColl, appointed Keeper of Wallace Collection. - Fishing village on ice outside Bjorko, Finland, carried out to sea; most of the inhabitants saved. - Sir Joseph Ward, New Zealand Premier, speaks at Wellington, N. Z., on Imperial Defence. - Pres. Taft tenders services of U. S. to assist in restoring peace in Honduras. - 20,000 Chicago garment workers on strike decide to return to work on whatever terms they can make individually. Рядом со словом february 3 в knolik
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