august 7

Значение термина august 7 в knolik

august 7 - August 7
august 7 - Mr. Balfour's Vote of Censure on the Government negatived in British House of Commons by 365 votes to 246. - London dockers refuse to return to work until other transport workers are satisfied; complete cessation of work in port of London. - Strike of railway porters at Liverpool. - At Dacca, India, three conspirators sentenced to trans portation for life, and 32 others to terms of from three to ten years' imprisonment by Sessions Judge. - At Calcutta judgment given in High Court on Midnapur conspiracy case; Mr. Weston, magistrate, and two police officers con demned in damages (see Aug. 17, 1912). - Mr. Bertrand Stewart, English subject, arrested at Bremen, Germany, for espionage. - International Cup for Schooners at Cowes won by German Emperor's yacht "Meteor," and Royal Thames Yacht Club's Cup won by King of Spain's yacht "Hispania."

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