july 22

Значение термина july 22 в knolik

july 22 - July 22
july 22 - Mr. Borden speaks at banquet given by London Chamber of Commerce on results of his mission and on responsibilities of the Empire. - Mr. Winston Churchill makes statement in British House of Commons on need for increased provision of ships and men in North Sea fleet and on proposed naval force to be kept in Mediterranean. - King George opens new railway dock at Immingham near Great Grimsby. - It is announced that Mr. Lloyd George, with the support of Mr. Asquith, will embark upon a land policy campaign in the autumn. - Mr. Austen Chamberlain speaks on future policy of Unionist Party. - Committee of British Medical Association pass resolutions in favour of working with the Govt. with regard to the Sanatorium benefit of the National Insurance Act. - Dock strike in Liverpool as protest against new clearing house system. - Attack on sanatorium near Lucan, Co. Dublin, by mal-con- tent residents. - Two German naval officers drowned by capsizing of pinnace belonging to battleship "Thuringen," near Nidden. - U.S. District Judge Cornelius H. Hanford of Washington resigns, and investigation of his case is dropped by the House of Representatives.

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