august 19

Значение термина august 19 в knolik

august 19 - August 19
august 19 - British Govt. accepts Count Berchtold's Balkan "conversations" proposal. - Prince Katsura included among the Genro (Elder Statesmen) of Japan. - Peking Advisory Assembly resolves by 52 votes to u to petition Yuan-Shih-kai for an explanation within three days of execution of two generals. - Pres. Taft sends message to Congress urging an amendment to the Panama Canal Bill allowing foreign nations to test validity of free tolls pro vision, and stating that the Bill is not intended to repeal any part of the Hay-Pauncefote treaty. - Conference report on Naval appropriation bill, authorising construction of one battleship, accepted by U.S. Senate. - Fighting at Tilbury Docks, London, between union men and free labourers; revolver shots fired. - Ibrahim Pasha grants Albanians at Uskub 24 hours in which to submit. - Five persons found shot at Eastbourne, Sussex, in a burning house. - Guillermo E. Billinghurst elected President of Peru.

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