august 24

Значение термина august 24 в knolik

august 24 - August 24
august 24 - Sun Yat Sen visits Yuan Shih-kai in Peking and receives popular welcome. - Pres. Taft signs Panama Canal bill, Labour Commission bill, Civil appropriation bill (with no provision for a Tariff Board) and several others. - Massacre of Servians by Turks at Sienitza, on Servian frontier. - Montenegrins make surprise attack on Berane. - Fighting in Timor, Malay Archipelago; native rebels defeated by Portuguese troops. - Miss Julia Curran, Englishwoman, found dead in a New York hotel. - Fire at General Post Office, London, causes suspension of all telegraphic communication. - French Govt. decide to dissolve Teachers' Unions by Sept. 10, owing to anti-patriotic resolutions passed at August Congress at Chambery.

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