
Значение термина amber в knolik

amber - amber
amber - See also celluloid.

Amber Working

Amber in the rough is first split and cut rudely into the shape required by a leaden wheel worked with emery powder, or by a bow-saw having a wire for the blade, tripoli or emery powder being used with it. The roughly-formed pieces are then smoothed with a piece of whetstone and water. The polishing is effected by friction with whiting and water, and finally with a little olive oil laid on and well rubbed with a piece of flannel, until the polish is complete. In this process the amber becomes hot and highly electrical; as soon as this happens it must be laid aside to recover itself before the polishing is continued, otherwise the article will be apt to fly into pieces.

Amber Mending

Smear the parts which are to be united with linseed oil, hold the oiled part carefully over a small charcoal fire, a hot cinder, or a blue gas flame, being careful to cover the rest of the object loosely with paper; when the oiled parts have begun to feel the heat, so as to be sticky, pinch or press them together, and hold them so till nearly cold. Only that part where the edges are to be united must be warmed, and even that with care, lest the form or polish of the other parts should be disturbed; the part joined generally requires a little repolishing.

Amber Imitation

A recipe by Roessler is to melt two parts (by weight) of rosin, then add four parts of shellac. When these two are in a fluid state add two parts of pure clear white rosin.

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